Electrophoresis of the Macaca mulatta serum proteins and comparison with those of human and pig 恒河猴的血清蛋白质电泳及其与人类、家猪的比较研究
Analysis of Microsatellites DNA Polymorphism in Macaca mulatta and Macaca irus 恒河猴与食蟹猴微卫星DNA多态性的比较分析
The Study on the Method to Rapid Identification of China Macaca Mulatta 中国大陆猕猴属物种资源快速鉴定方法的研究
Objective To study a BV antibody surveillance model for establishment and maintenance of Macaca mulatta SPF colony. 结论该模式能有效监测猕猴BV抗体变化,为本中心在国内建立猕猴SPF种群提供了有力的技术保障。
The Regression Analysis of Metacarpals and Metatarsals 'Incomplete Specimen of Macaca mulatta Living in the Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴掌(跖)骨残损标本复原回归分析
A Preliminary Study on Biological Characteristics in Artificial Breeding Young Macaca Mulatta 人工繁育幼年猕猴部分生物学特性的初步研究
Allometric Analysis on the Weight of Metacarpals and Metatarsals of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量与颅长的异速生长分析掌跖角化牙周病综合征
Preliminary Studies on Biological Characteristics of Rhesus Monkey ( Macaca mulatta) Dendritic Cells 恒河猴树突状细胞生物学特性的初步研究
A research of experimental infection of human hepatitis B virus in Macaca mulatta 猕猴实验感染人乙型肝炎病毒的研究
Results The differences were found between Macaca Mulatta's caesarean birth and human's. 结果猕猴的剖腹取胎术式与人剖腹产术有不同之处。
Six monkeys ( macaca mulatta) and seven pigeons were used as Ss in the experiment. 六只恒河猴和七尽鸽子用作实验动物。
Study on the correlation between the cranial capacity and other cranium variables of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴颅容量与颅骨其他变量的相关性研究
Study on fatness of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴的肥满度太行山猕猴髋骨变量研究初报
Study on pelvic variables of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴颅骨变量的异速生长研究
Primary Contents Analysis on the Scapula of Macaca Mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山地区猕猴肩胛骨变量主成分分析
The morphological feature of motor nerve endings and motor end-plates in vocal cord muscle of Macaca mulatta have been treated by silver staining and observed. 本文通过镀银法对猕猴声带肌运动神经终末和运动终板的形态进行了观察。
27 Macaca mulatta mulatta's skulls distributing Taihang mountains were measured, one-factor variance analysis and multiple variables sex discriminant analysis were used to carry out the statistics. 本文对27例(9♂,18♀)成年太行山猕猴颅骨有关变量进行单因素方差分析和多变量性别判别分析。
The results showed that the Macaca mulatta may be used as an experimental animal model for HGV infection. 本研究表明,中国猕猴有可能作为HGV感染的动物模型。
Principal Analysis on Skull Variables of Macaca Mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴颅骨变量主成分分析
Some biochemical parameters of seminal plasma were measured in twelve adult male rhesus monkeys ( Macaca mulatta) in the breeding season. 在猕猴(Macacamulatta)繁殖季节,测试了12只产于福建的成年雄猴精浆若干生化参数。
Moreover, the affinity of S1 IgG was strikingly higher than N IgG in Macaca mulatta. 猕猴S1IgG亲和力显著高于NIgG亲和力。
Macaca mulatta is under state class II protected wild animal. 猕猴属国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。
The variations in eye movement and operation delay were studied during the fixation training of two monkeys ( macaca mulatta). 研究了两只猕猴在注视过程中,眼球运动和操作延时的变化。
Objective: To study the sex difference and bilateral asymmetry of palmar and plantar pattern intensity ( PI) of Macaca mulatta. 目的:研究太行山猕猴掌面和跖面的花纹强度(PI)在两性之间和左右两侧之间的差异性。
Epidermal patterns of digits, palms and soles of 62 monkeys ( 28 males and 34 females of Macaca mulatta) were examined. 我们对62只猕猴(雄性28只,雌性34只)的指(趾)纹、掌纹和跖纹进行了研究。查出有9种不同类型的花纹分布在不同区域。
Objective To learn the hepatocellular changes in the Macaca mulatta inoculated with HBV_rich human sera. 目的观察猕猴感染人乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)后肝脏的病理学改变。
Study on the culture and biological characteristics of bone marrow stromal cells form Macaca mulatta in vitro 猕猴骨髓基质干细胞体外培养及其生物学特性的研究